Terms and Responsibility Release Futaleufu Multi-Lodge

Cancellation: It is manditory to purchase travel cancellation insurance. If you must cancel any reservation, it must be received in writing by e- mail to: info@earthriver.com If Earth River receives in writing (e-mail) the cancellation 120 days prior to the trip’s departure the fee is $600, from 90 to 120 days the fee is the full $1,000 deposit and from 90 to 0 days there will be no refund (Transfers and credits are possible). Our cancellation policy applies in all situations and there will be no exceptions for any reason. Earth River will not issue refunds for arriving late or departing a trip early. Earth River is not responsible for any expenses incurred due to travel delays, flight cancellations, or personal illness or injury. If you have to cancel,  depending upon the circumstances, the trip cancellation insurance will protect your vacation investment. Some of the most trying situations Earth River faces are those created by guests needing to make last minute cancellations.  Earth River goes to great lengths and expense to prepare for a guest's arrival in Patagonia. Our preparations include: reserving and paying for expensive lodges, scheduling guides, shuttle drivers and equipment and numerous other expenses involved in coordinating your trip. We generally do not have time to refill the space making a total loss for the cancelled place.  Transfer requests to another date are required in writing (e-mail). All transfer requests are subject to space availability and are not guaranteed. 

Earth River will use all of their resources, and connections, to help solve any, and all, travel issues that might occur during your trip. However; we cannot be held responsible, financially or otherwise, for injury, loss or damage, to property and/or person, resulting from acts beyond our control, such as: Natural disasters, flight schedule interruptions, cancellations, strikes, quarantines, theft, vandalism, civil unrest, terrorism, government changes in rules and regulations, and any other problem of a similar nature, not specifically listed. In addition, the costs of delays are not the responsibility of Earth River. Trips can be delayed by: Bad weather, road conditions, river levels, trail conditions, transportation problems, government intervention, sickness, or other factors beyond the control of earth River. We publish trip prices well in advance of actual departure dates; because of this, we may be faced with the need to pass those increases to our Guests. You have our promise that we will work diligently to solve any such problems and limit the impact to our guests, but if an increase is warranted, we will notify you in writing of such changes as early as possible. It is because of these risks that we strongly encourage trip insurance, to guard against such unfortunate realities.


SIGNATURE ...........................................................................       DATE ........................................................

SIGNATURE ...........................................................................       DATE ........................................................