Montreal, June 27th 2005
M. Eric Hertz
Earth River Expeditions
180 Towpath Road
Accord, NY 1 2404
Subject: Sincere thanks
Mister Hertz,
We would like to thank you for your precious collaboration with the Rivers Foundation and want to express our gratitude with a letter.
We want to thank you especially for all your actions regarding the Magpie River. Your participation in preserving waterfalls and rapids is very important and effective. Ecotourism is an industry that allows the preservation of our natural resources while being financially beneficial. Its promotion is essential in helping people to discover the wonders and greatness of Quebec's rivers.
Also, we greatly appreciate your efforts to mobilize the financial resources that allowed the Magpie publicity to be published in the paper Le Devoir. We believe that reaching people and raising awareness is the key to saving our collective natural patrimony.
We hope our collaboration will continue for years to come.
Michel Gauthier
5834, rue Clark, MontnSal, H2T 2V7 T616phone : (514) 272-2666 T616copieur : (514) 274-0126