August 12, 1991

Mr. Eric Herltz
R.D. 2, Box 182-A
Accord, NY 12404

Dear Eric:

I am ever grateful to you for arranging the trip to Great Whale and inviting me. It could not have been a more interesting and meaningful experience. I learned a great deal.

We discussed as immediate steps the following three items :

  1. Assemblyman Hoyt and I will schedule a legislative hearing in New York City towards the end of September, at which we hope Mayor Dinkins, among others, will testify, as well as representatives of the Crees.
  2. Hoyt and I are sending a letter to Cuomo about the issue and asking him to meet with the leaders of the Cree.
  3. A letter on behalf of the environmental organizations should be sent to Governor Cuomo. Robert Kennedy said he would take care of this.

Let's keep in touch.

Best regards,

Franz S. Leichter